The Moriah

Moriah is the woman you want in your corner. She is the one you go to when you just need someone to listen and to help you work through the craziness in your mind. Her life is built on a solid foundation of Jesus, compassion, knowledge and organization. Moriah isn't the one to give you all the answers you think you want to hear, but instead she challenges your mental processing through her insightful questions and observations. This is something I have learned from her. I am the type of person who wants to know everything always and to have all the answers. I want people to come to me for the facts; but that's not Moriah. She has the facts and she forms her own opinions, but has a sense of wisdom that allows her to be humble through that. She can recognize that each person processes things differently and that relation and conversation are more important than the answers.

Moriah and I became friends because of her stability and her kindness. We worked together for a couple years before we truly connected - but that's what I appreciate about her. Nothing is rushed and she is a living example that God's timing is always perfect. Though we no longer work together, Moriah is always someone I could talk to. Her office door was ALWAYS open to anyone who needed her. Even when she is struggling herself, she is able to realize that she doesn't need to have it all together before she can be a shoulder to cry on. Today, she is someone that I can continue to come to with anything and receive pure love and insight in return. Due to life moving us apart, we only see each other every now and then, but that will never hinder the genuine friendship that we have.

"The Moriah" is a statement piece. It stands out from the rest, but isn't flashy. Moriah herself reflects that. She shows that in Christ you are made new and you are set apart from the world. She does not live her life for herself, but for Christ. Her love for Jesus is what overflows into her relationships - that is what makes her so special and unique. She would never take credit for any of her inspirational features but would point them all to Jesus. I love that about her.

When you wear "the Moriah", I want you to remember how much the people around you matter. I pray that you recognize how much YOU matter. I hope this piece brings you humility, stability, and confidence. Those are all qualities that Moriah represents and I hope you wear them boldly.
