Kenzie is a woman who's life reflects Jesus. She is grounded in His word and is selfless in her relationships. I have never seen Kenz meet someone and have them not instantly be a part of her heart. I admire that a lot. I feel as though I personally have an energy limit that only allows me to invest in one or two people at a single time, but not Kenz. Her heart for being a support system to everyone around her is so inspiring and I truly think that being able to witness that throughout our friendship has given me the energy I needed to spend my time with others rather than saving it all up for myself.
Kenzie and I became friends purely because of the goodness of Christ. She lived across the country and unexpectedly had to move back home right as I was leaving home to move to a whole new country. We crossed paths for maybe a week - we had never been friends before this, but I was honestly sad to be moving because I knew she was someone I wanted to be close to.
Flash forward 6 months, I unexpectedly moved back home as well. My biggest fear about coming back home was not having any friends here. I had made some of the most amazing friends in Canada and I was nervous I would never experience that again. Throughout my time in Canada, I had to wholeheartedly rely on the promise of peace that Jesus brings. Though I was scared to come home and be alone, if Jesus took care of me while I was 40 hours from every comfortable thing I knew, Jesus would take care of me when I was back home and back in my comfort zone. Proving His faithfulness, almost instantly after moving back to Illinois, Kenzie and I clicked and ever since will remain life long best friends.
"The Kenzie" is an original. It is dainty and goes with every single outfit. Not to be too cheesy, but Kenz herself reflects that. She is beautiful inside and out and is so relational it is contagious. Never doubt her love for her friends, family, or even her deep care for complete strangers. When you wear the Kenzie, I hope it reminds you to be selfless and loving. I hope it inspires genuine kindness and growing, healthy relationships. That is what I have learned from Kenz, and I pray that you can be inspired by her as well.
Kenzie and I became friends purely because of the goodness of Christ. She lived across the country and unexpectedly had to move back home right as I was leaving home to move to a whole new country. We crossed paths for maybe a week - we had never been friends before this, but I was honestly sad to be moving because I knew she was someone I wanted to be close to.
"The Kenzie" is an original. It is dainty and goes with every single outfit. Not to be too cheesy, but Kenz herself reflects that. She is beautiful inside and out and is so relational it is contagious. Never doubt her love for her friends, family, or even her deep care for complete strangers. When you wear the Kenzie, I hope it reminds you to be selfless and loving. I hope it inspires genuine kindness and growing, healthy relationships. That is what I have learned from Kenz, and I pray that you can be inspired by her as well.
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